Anupama Hospital Purnia for the poorest of poor

Accessible Naturopathic Healthcare at Anupama Hospital in Purnia, Bihar: A Ray of Hope for All

Located in the center of Purnia, Bihar, Anupama Hospital Purnia, serves as an emblem of empathy and recovery. Influenced by contemporary scholars like Thomas Seyfried and Marcola, our dedication lies in offering naturopathic therapies at affordable rates, ensuring accessibility to healing for all, particularly those in the most financially challenged circumstances.

Our Commitment to Affordability at Anupama Hospital Purnia:

  1. Naturopathy for All: Anupama Hospital believes in the power of naturopathy to transform lives. We are dedicated to making this holistic approach to healing affordable for everyone.
  2. Accessible Pricing: Our commitment to affordability extends to our pricing structure, ensuring that the most effective naturopathic treatments are within reach for all socioeconomic backgrounds.

Charitable Initiatives:

  1. Free Stay: Recognizing the financial challenges faced by many, especially the poorest of the poor, we offer free accommodation for patients and their families during treatment.
  2. Free Treatment: At Anupama Hospital, we believe in giving back to the community. Our charitable initiatives include providing free naturopathic treatment to those in need, and ensuring that no one is denied healing due to financial constraints.

Inspired by Modern Research: Revolutionising Cancer Treatment

  1. Thomus Seyfried: Drawing inspiration from the groundbreaking work of Thomus Seyfried, we incorporate modern research on metabolic treatments in our naturopathic approach, providing effective alternatives to traditional allopathic methods.
  2. Marcola’s Influence: Inspired by the holistic wellness approach advocated by Marcola, we prioritize emotional and spiritual well-being, contributing to a comprehensive healing experience for our patients.

A New Era of Healing:

Anupama Hospital isn’t merely a medical facility; it’s a beacon illuminating hope and progress. Our fundamental goal is to inaugurate a transformative epoch in healthcare, one where naturopathic treatments prevail not only in their effectiveness but also in their accessibility to all, irrespective of their financial backgrounds.

Established on the firm belief that healthcare should not be a privilege limited by economic means, Anupama Hospital embodies a vision that resonates with the ethos of inclusivity and compassion. We envision a paradigm shift in healing methodologies, wherein the potency of naturopathic treatments is harnessed to benefit every individual, regardless of their financial standing.

At the core of our philosophy lies a commitment inspired by the pioneering work of healthcare scholars and practitioners. We are dedicated to revolutionizing the healthcare landscape by ensuring that the principles advocated by visionaries such as Thomas Seyfried and Marcola are not just acknowledged but integrated into our healthcare practices. Their insights have kindled a fervor within us to bring forth a healing sanctuary where the amalgamation of modern research and age-old natural therapies converge for the betterment of all.

Anupama Hospital stands tall in the heart of Purnia, Bihar, not merely as a physical edifice but as a symbol of promise and equity. We aspire to bridge the divide between quality healthcare and financial constraints, offering a ray of hope to those who have been traditionally marginalized from accessing comprehensive medical care.

Our commitment to accessibility resonates in our pricing models, designed meticulously to ensure that naturopathic treatments are within reach for everyone, particularly those facing economic hardships. We firmly believe that healing should not be an exclusive privilege but an inclusive right for every individual, and our endeavors at Anupama Hospital reflect this ethos.

Patients success stories in our Youtube Channel

Join Us in Your Healing Journey:

If you or your loved ones are seeking a path to wellness that is not only effective but also affordable, Anupama Hospital welcomes you. Our commitment to providing naturopathic care inspired by the latest research is a testament to our dedication to your well-being. Together, let’s embark on a journey towards a healthier and happier life.


  • Dr. Vijay Raghavan

    Dr. Vijay Raghavan (M.B.B.S., M.D.) Associate Professor, Dept of Community Medicine (Lord Buddha Medical College, Saharsa). His Guide is Thomas N. Seyfried (A scientist at Boston University, USA), Experiences: 20 years of experience as clinician and researcher. Developed Research Laboratory for IVF and Assisted Reproduction and Molecular Biology. Developed Metabolic Treatment for Cancer, Diabetes, Kidney Failure, Autoimmune diseases, Arthritis etc. based on original research by Thomas N. Seyfried. Developed Intensive Care (ICU) for serious diseases on the lines of Ayurveda and Naturopathy for better outcomes in serious diseases. Developed better treatments for degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinsonism, SLE, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Autoimmune diseases, CKD, Cancers of the brain, pancreas, liver, intestine, breast and other soft tissues.

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